Booking Info
rental rates
The availability calendar and rental agreement linked above are updated frequently for the 2022-2023 rental season. Please refer to this website for the most accurate information. We do our best to keep listing sites current as adjustments are made. We can be flexible with dates & special requests when needed, so please don't hesitate to ask.
50% deposit due at time of booking for weekly rentals
balance due within 60 days prior to arrival
weekend rentals paid in full upon booking
EMT, certified cheque, money order or Pay Pal accepted
$500 damage deposit due at time of booking
fully refunded within 14 days of checkout
Bell Fibe internet - bring the office with you! (only if you must)
2025 - June 13th to September 7th
$4450 weekly rate
weekly rentals only
Saturday turnover
2024 - September 7th to October 15th
2025 - May 2nd to June 13th
$3250 weekly rate
$1750 weekend rate - Friday to Sunday
each additional night only $150
$1900 holiday pricing
3 night minimum
$200 each additional night
BASE RATE (dates not listed above)
$1650 weekly rate
$1175 weekend rate - Friday to Sunday
each additional night only $150
the fine print
We love our cottage. It's our second home and we take a lot of pride in ownership. We look forward to providing our you with a beautiful, comfortable space to enjoy your vacation. Please respect our house rules and space during your stay.
no pets
no smoking
no excessive noise or rowdiness
cleaning fees included in rental rate
local property manager for emergencies
septic system rules apply
kindly leave the cottage the way it was found
main contact/applicant must be 25 years or older